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Military Page 128
FS2004 MiG-29 Fulcrum Maneuverability Update. This is a .cfg-only update to the MiG 29 Package by Eduardo Fadul (and associates) here. It is in conjunction with the MiG 29 OVT Upgrade. The OVT utilizes 360-degree thrust vectoring. This is an update that is made to increase the overall maneuverability of the MiG-29 Fulcrum in a manner similar to that of adding 360 TVC. No changes to model or paint, only flight dynamics. Reworked Flight Dynamics by Matthew Walz. 62K
FS2004, SEPECAT Jaguar GR.1A + 41(F) Sqn. Textures Only. You will require the SEPECAT Jaguar GR.1A by Kazunori Ito here. Produced by Chris Ginet of AGN Textures. 497K
FS2004 Xw333 Hunting Jet Provost Private Textures. This is now a privatly owned Jet Provost Mk5 in Jet Black. Requires Rick Piper's Provost here. UKmil. 1.5MB
FS2004 RAF Hawker Hunter in WV372 Textures only. WV372 was one of Jet Heritage's airworthy Hunters being a T7 model, owned by Delta jets, and also registerd as G-BXFI Requires Dave Garwood Hunter package here. UK Mil. 2.7MB
FS2004 RAF Balliol T21 Textures only. Tis depicts WN149 which is painted in the RAF Training Command of the 1950's Requires the aircraft by Kaz ito here. Textures by UKMIL. 750K
FS2004 RAF 11 SQN Typhoon T1 textures only. This pack will upgrade the current standard DSB textures for the freeware Typhoon for 11 Sqn. Adds subtl lines and shades and replaces the incorrect roundals and markings For the Freeware DSB Typhoon here. Textures by UKMIL. 704K
FS2004 Mirage F1M 142Sqd. Tiger Meet'06 Tail-art Textures only. This texture is dedicated to my friend Alvaro Ruiz callsign "Mecha". As you can see in his web page ( he's an artist and graphics designer, and one way of his artistic expresion is the aircraft art. He's the maker of this original tailart for the past TIGERMEET'06 celebrated last September on Albacete Air Base LEAB, home of the Spanish Mirage F1M. It's created for the fantastic F1 Gmax developed by Kirk Olsson (required here). Jose Ramon Rodriguez. 916K
C-130 Hercules RAF Camo textures only. These textures re-colour the standard Simshed models to a camo effect version becuase of the way the textures are mapped it is far from perfect, as many parts share the same colours, so you might find bits of green where they should not be. this is a limit of the model. also, Left and Right share the same texture, so we are unable to add any logos or test to the fuselage it requires the freeware C130 from simshed (here). UKMil. 2.8MB
FS2004 F-15 USAF F-15c One of 8 "Wild Boars" Textures only. This aircraft at Ellington AFB Aircraft is the freeware F-15 BY Coral (available here) Textures by UKMIL. 1.1MB